Sunday, 11 January 2015

Getting the chop- A New Year haircut

2014 was the year of the 'lob'-the long bob hair cut which we saw become a prominent hair trend. Fuss free and chic, it seemed everyone was getting their locks cut off, and I wanted in on the action.
Lauren Conrad has always been one of my all time girl crushes, so seeing her have that cut , I saw it as a sign and thought to myself  'Sarah, just bloody go for it'.

My hair has always been my comfort blanket. Apart from the odd trim and colour I have never really experimented with different styles and cuts, as I have always been more of a low maintenance fuss free gal. A short cut would be a big big change for me, but I knew I had to go for it...

The verdict? I am So glad that I finally did it! Having the same hair for years left me feeling uninspired and desperate for a change, and if feels so refreshing going into the new year with a new look. It will always grow back eventually, plus it feels so much healthier and in better condition.

It has also made me want to revamp my style a little and incorporate some new shapes and key items into my wardrobe. Any excuse to shop eh....

Thursday, 1 January 2015

2014 2015 Reflections

I never intended on writing this post, but as I sit here in my onesie slightly hungover, I though it seemed fitting to reflect on 2014 and the year ahead. Prepare for some cheesy new year quotes...

2014 was a bit of a funny one for me. As cheesy as it sounds, there really was a mixture of highs and lows. I began the year unemployed, uninspired and feeling pretty lost. I felt like I was having a bit of a quarter life crisis and didn't know which way to turn. I finally realised that it's ok not to be ok (cringe but true), and that things cannot change overnight.

By the end of the year  I had a new job, passed my driving test, lost weight and began leading a much healthier and active lifestyle. At 23, I may not be where I had hoped or intended, but I have definitely come a long way since the start of 2014 and am so happy that my dedication has paid off.

So what's in store for this year? I am trying not to put any pressure on myself to stick to any new years resolutions, although there are a few things I hope to work on/do more of as we go onto 2015...

Give more-Whether that is doing more charity work or giving to those who are less fortunate, I really want to put some time into helping others and doing what I can to make a difference.

Read more actual books-No that does not include magazines or anything on an electronic screen haha! I used to be such a book worm and would love to get back into reading more regularly.

Stop worrying and care less about what others think- Anyone who knows me will tell you I am the biggest worrier who over thinks everything. This year I will be working on boosting my self confidence, worrying less about other peoples opinion and just calming the f*ck down.

Save save save-Being a shopaholic I find it really hard to stick to saving regularly. I would love to move out over the next few years and travel, so I know I need to start cutting back on the impulse buys and put the money away instead (let's see how this one goes).

Blog more- I definately struggled with keeping motivated during 2014, which led to me severly neglecting my little old blog! This year I am getting a notebook and getting organised. I love blogging and it's such a shame that I have let it go.

Focus on building my career and pushing myself to achieve more-Pass me a copy of #Girlboss pronto.

I hope you all had a lovely night and have had a good start to 2015 so far...even if you have been chillin in your pj's all day

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